
Unveiling the Power of Cranberries: New Evidence on their Ability to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberry juice has long been used by women suffering from urinary tract infections as an effective means of treating their condition; now research suggests it could also prevent future UTIs.

Studies evaluating the benefits of Cranberry Juice and Its Products has established that Cranberry juice, along with Cranberry supplements, reduces repeat UTIs by over 25% for women, 53% in children and approximately 53% among UTI-susceptible individuals.

Cranberry juice and supplements containing cranberries (tablets or capsules) have long been touted as an accessible way to treat infection; however, a 2012 review with data from 24 studies demonstrated no positive outcome from such products.

Researchers conducted this comprehensive update review of Cranberry products’ effectiveness by reviewing 50 additional studies involving nearly 9000 individuals, over the last decade.

UTIs (urinary tract infections) are incredibly prevalent; approximately one third of women will develop an UTI at some point during their lives; as will many elderly individuals and those suffering from bladder disorders or other medical issues.

Untreated urinary tract infections (UTIs) can infiltrate kidneys and cause pain as well as complications that could even include sepsis in severe cases, so prevention is the key to mitigating risks.

UTIs can typically be treated successfully and quickly with antibiotics, sometimes with just one dose being sufficient. Unfortunately, however, they can sometimes recur in certain individuals.

Native Americans reportedly consumed cranberries to alleviate bladder issues, leading researchers to investigate which component(s) in them might provide relief.

Researchers reviewed studies employing different methodologies to examine the benefits of Cranberry products. Most compared these products against either placebos or no UTI treatment and found that eating Cranberries either as juice or capsules reduced recurrent cases as well as children’s susceptibilities to UTIs due to medical treatments such as bladder radiotherapy.

Significantly, most individuals reported no side effects at all from taking Cranberry products; the most frequently reported was tummy discomfort according to research results. Furthermore, researchers could not gather sufficient information regarding whether Cranberry products are more or less effective compared with antibiotics or probiotics for preventing UTI recurrences.

Results also did not demonstrate any benefits for elderly individuals, pregnant women or individuals with bladder emptying issues.

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