Immune System

Revitalizing the Immune System: Unleashing the Power of Intense Meditation

An extensive genomic study on how meditation affects biological processes involved with disease development revealed that 8 days of intense meditation result in powerful immune system activation.

Although meditation’s positive effects are well known, not much is understood regarding its genetic and molecular effects. Genetic profile samples provided by 106 individuals were examined before and after participating in an “Inner Engineering” retreat that offers yoga and meditation programs focused on inner wellbeing. Participants at this retreat must remain silent for eight days while meditating over 10 hours daily, eating vegan meals daily and adhering to a regular sleep schedule – with this type of program closely regulated to ensure positive results.

Samples of blood were drawn from individuals participating in a meditation retreat 5 to 8 weeks beforehand, before and during their meditation retreat as well as three months afterwards for analysis. Analysis identified various immune-related and other cellular pathways which had changed, along with elevated activity from 220 genes directly related to immune responses that increased as a result of this retreat experience.

This included increased activity in 68 genes related to interferon signaling – an integral component of anti-cancer and anti-virus responses in our bodies. Furthermore, it was determined that meditation was the main contributory factor behind an increased immune system after attending this retreat and not gender differences, sleep patterns or diet.

Blood samples provided over 70 million data points that enabled researchers to discover that Inner Engineering practices dramatically triggered multiple genes associated with immune activation.

Researchers found that meditation makes use of an interferon signaling gene network and regulators to positively impact immune function, particularly with interferon proteins helping other parts of the immune system respond against viruses more efficiently. Interferon proteins help other immune system components respond more quickly against viruses than before, according to studies, while severe COVID-19 individuals exhibit an interferon signaling imbalance due to meditation practice. They found that meditation uses this coordinated core gene network with regulators in order to positively alter immunity levels.

Researchers contend that their results could also prove beneficial for numerous immune-related conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and COVID-19. While meditation helps boost activity in 68 interferon-related genes, those suffering severe COVID-19 often lack interferon activity which inhibits their fight against viruses.

Comparing individuals participating in the retreat to those suffering severely with COVID-19 revealed an astounding contrast: interferon gene activity was elevated by 97% when practicing meditation compared with 76% among mild cases and 31% among severe ones; similarly inflammation-signaling genes displayed the reverse trend, showing higher levels of activity in severe individuals but no change upon practicing meditation.

Meditation was found to produce similar beneficial gene activity as seen with conventional interferon treatments given to people living with multiple sclerosis. Researchers concluded their results support the idea that meditation plays an integral part in improving multiple health conditions.

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